At Last Mo Lapeng
Trans-Kalahari Quintet
Zakes Gwaze guitar
Matt Dacso tenor saxophone
Arthur “Makhwenkwe” Mengwe drums
Brian Nyakurukwa bass
Lekofi Sejeso keyboards
Andrew Chinganga alto saxophone
Andrew Lienhard keyboard
John Metcalfe percussions
Dingalo Mpolaise percussions
Lamech Nwako keyboard
Shabani Mwanasande kwasa guitar
John Selolwane lead guitar
AT LAST MO LAPENG marks the Trans-Kalahari Quintet’s second sensational release with Ansonica Records. Matt Dacso, Andrew Chinganga, Zakes Gwaze, Lekofi Sejeso, and Arthur “Makhwenkwe” Mengwe bring the ensemble to unbelievable new heights on this album, with funky afro-jazz recordings and spectacular percussive features that are sure to please the ear.
From the jubilant Ka-Ching, featuring Chinganga on the alto sax, to the sultry tenor sax line on It Takes Two, the keyboard and guitar solos on this album are sure to lure you to the dance floor. Or maybe you’re due for a little TLC, a cool groove that just might convince you to sit back and relax before Tobesta Tobesta gets you back on your feet. The TKQ closes the album with Hands Off, a percussive cadence with a certain vitality that will have you starting the album all over again! But no matter where you start, AT LAST MO LAPENG invigorates with bright and familiar tunes that signify the TKQ’s long journey home may just be beginning.
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Track Listing & Credits
# | Title | Composer | Performer | |
01 | Ka-Ching | Andrew Chinganga, arr. Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Andrew Chinganga, alto saxophone; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 3:45 |
02 | Chipos | Zakes Gwaze | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Lamech Nwako, Andrew Lienhard - keyboards | 5:42 |
03 | GC Nights | Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 4:39 |
04 | It Takes Two | Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 4:35 |
05 | Leko-Kwasa | Matt Dacso, arr. Lekofi Sejeso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Shabani Mwanasande, kwasa guitar; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 3:38 |
06 | TLC | Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Andrew Lienhard, piano | 5:17 |
07 | Broadhurst Driveby | David “Skizo” Molosi, arr. Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Lamech Nwako, Andrew Lienhard - keyboards; John Metcalfe, percussions | 5:39 |
08 | Tobetsa Tobetsa | Lekofi Sejeso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; John Selolwane, lead guitar; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 3:52 |
09 | Try Me | Makhwenkwe, arr. Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 3:58 |
10 | Back to Basics | Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Lamech Nwako, Andrew Lienhard - keyboards | 5:32 |
11 | Nyakurukwa | Zakes Gwaze | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Andrew Chinganga, alto saxophone; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 4:26 |
12 | Hands Off | Matt Dacso | Trans-Kalahari Quintet; Dingalo Mpolaise, percussions | 4:20 |
Tracks 1, 3-5, 8, 9, 11, 12
Recorded at Botswanacraft Studios
Engineers (Pumi Soundz) Maleho “Lex” Makgothi, Kopano “Berry Bone” Boduwe
Tracks 2, 6, 7, 10
Recorded at Tracks Studios
Session Engineer David “Skizo” Molosi
Mixing Andy Bradley
Session Producers Andy Bradley, Matt Dacso at Wire Road Studios in Houston TX
Mastering Melanie Montgomery
Photography by Batho Motlhake, Allthingsmusical
Executive Producer Bob Lord
A&R Director Brandon MacNeil
A&R Chris Robinson
VP of Production Jan Košulič
Audio Director Lucas Paquette
VP, Design & Marketing Brett Picknell
Art Director Ryan Harrison
Design Edward A. Fleming
Publicity Patrick Niland, Aidan Curran
Artist Information

Trans-Kalahari Quintet
The TRANS-KALAHARI QUINTET (TKQ) is an instrumental Afro-jazz ensemble comprised of musicians from the United States, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. The band was formed as a quintet by Arthur “Makhwenkwe” Mengwe in 2010, but has steadily added regular members and featured artists over the past decade of collaborative work.
Re gorogile mo lapeng. In our language, this means “we have arrived home.” It has been a long journey. Now we are here. Re teng. We are with our friends, families, and loved ones. We are thinking of the past 10 years and those who did not make it here with us. They were taken too soon. We mourn them, and we celebrate what they gave us. We listen to their playing, appreciating each note, each chord, each rhythm. In this music, they are immortal. While their souls rest, they continue to live in our hearts and help us find our way home. Re mo lapeng.
We would like to acknowledge our friends and families for supporting us for all of these years. Ollie, Kevin, Khaya, and the staff from Botswanacraft, thank you for the space to record and play our music (and for the excellent meals). Skizo, Lex, and Berry – thanks for using your recording skills to breathe life into this music. Andy, this project would be nowhere without your phenomenal ear and your unparalleled mixing skills. To those who are no longer with us, Lekofi, Elliot, Malombo, Shabani, and too many others, robala ka kagiso. Finally, to all of the jazz artists in Botswana who have encouraged and inspired us over the years, we are forever grateful.